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THE OTHERS - a devised theatre piece about macro and microaggressions on college campuses
written/directed by Saviana Stanescu
developed with the cast of Ithaca College Theatre Arts students - SEE PROMO VIDEO
spoken word poetry by Jharrel Jerome
A theatre project based on interviews with Ithaca veterans, re-imagined through the lens of The Odyssey.
Conceived by Saviana Stanescu (Condeescu) and developed with the students in her "Re-Imagining the Classics" class at Ithaca College, Theatre Arts Department: Jazzmin Bonner, Kate Cough, Serrana Gay, Jonathon Hamel, Douglas Hansen, Yanna Lantz, Quilla Otto-Jacobs, Sarah Schostack, Sara Stevens, Anthony Toto, Sam Adrain.
Assistant Director / Choreographer: Dennis Chambers
CAST: Tim Driscoll ’17, Trevor Eichorn ’17, Sean Grandillo ’15, Emily Loewus ’16, Maya Musial ’17, Josh Rivera ’16, Jose Useche ’17, and Melanie Vasquez ’15.
The goal was to create a very theatrical piece, a polyphonic dramatic/visual “poem” that pays tribute to the service of veterans while raising questions relevant to the global community today.
Copyright 2010 SAVIANA STANESCU. All rights reserved.