Come peek inside ICRNY's Window on Third Ave (at 38th Street) to see "4 Alice" written by Saviana Stanescu, designed by Daniela Codarcea Kamiliotis and directed by Ana Margineanu. FREE. Every day thru May 29, 8 - 10 pm (new show every 20 minutes)
"The Window succeeds in its creative transformation of an otherwise nondescript building space that is normally used as a bookstore, a reception area or a meeting place.... The belief in the power of the story is what distinguishes The Window from other attention-getting simulacra in New York.” –
present the panel
DREAM ACTS: The Role of Theatre in Social Change
Sunday, March 25, 5 pm, at HERE
Featuring DREAM-eligible undocumented youth Yelky Ramos and Nataly Lopez, and special guests: Thanu Yakupitiyage (DREAM Fellowship Coordinator, New York Immigration Coalition), Carlo Albán (theatre/film artist, author of the autobiographical solo show "Intringulis", about his life as an undocumented immigrant), Marcy Arlin (artistic director of Obie-winner Immigrant Theater Project, CUNY professor), Meiyin Wang (associate producer of "Under the Radar" Festival and Symposium in New York). Moderated by playwright Saviana Stanescu.
This event is part of DREAM Act Union at HERE Spring Artists Lodge. DREAM Act Union is a group of theater artists working to raise awareness about the DREAM Act through theatrical events. DREAM ACTS, written collectively by
Mia Chung, Jessica Litwak, Chiori Miyagawa, Saviana Stanescu, and Andrea Thome
Directed by Kristin Horton
Performed by Anna Kull, Neimah Djourabchi, Rory Lipede, Rey Lucas, Tiffany VillarinConsulting dramaturgy by Suzy Fay, Lighting Designer: Raphael Mishler, Costume Designer: Savana Leveille,Stage Manager: Kate Rourke, Assistant Producer: Ann Marie Dorr, Project Assistant: Nicole Sandry
Dream Acts, March 23-25 - HERE, 145 Sixth Avenue - for info click
FOR A BARBARIAN WOMAN at FORDHAM (Lincoln Center Campus)

POLANSKI POLANSKI in SoloNOVA Festival - New York !!!
then on tour in Romania:
May 29 - Odeon Theatre, Bucharest
June 2 - Gong Theatre, Sibiu International Theatre Festival
June 5 - Hungarian State Theatre, Cluj, Transylvania International Film Festival

by Saviana Stanescu
with Grant Neale
directed by Tamilla Woodard
HERE ARTS CENTER: September 22 -27, 2010 
Nomad Theatrical Company Presents:
POLANSKI POLANSKI by Saviana StanescuIn 1977 the legendary filmmaker
Roman Polanski was arrested on molestation charges, plead guilty to one of seven counts related to his actions with a 13 year old girl in Los Angeles, he was remanded to Chino prison for a 90 day psychological evaluation and released after 42 days. After determining that he could not trust the judge in his case, Polanski fled the U.S. in 1978. He was once again arrested 31 years later in Switzerland. After spending two months in jail he was allowed to wait out extradition proceedings under
house arrest in his
Swiss Chalet.
The Nature of being a Nomad is to be in quest of something and our quest in the creation of POLANSKI POLANSKI is to coax the psycho-emotional workings of a complex mind from the level of the unconscious to the active level of the conscious (through our fictional account of three key threshold moments in Polanski’s life), just as this filmmaker often does successfully in his own work. This play is in no way a docudrama, and is not particularly interested in the judgment of right and wrong, except in so far as how the individual himself allows himself to commit, wrestles with, and judges his own actions. Please join us at HERE!!!
Flagstories and other personal histories
a performative lecture by Saviana Stanescu
NY through an immigrant I